4 November 2009

Skill share: want to write a better essay?

-Do you worry about the structure of your essays?

-Do you worry about confusing your point in paragraphs?

-Do you want to know some tips on how to make your essay sound more 'scholarly' and formal?

Then this is the skill share for you!
For those that don't know me, I'm Jerome, a third year English student at Loughborough. I'll be running this informal skill share at 7.10pm this Thursday 5th in the same room as the meeting. We can then stay in the room for the meeting, or if we haven't finished, go to a different room.

Some points we will be looking at:

Strong introduction, reflective conclusion
Paragraph structure
Using references effectively
Keeping on top of the dreaded word count

It will be fairly informal, no lecture or anything, just discussing good essay writing. I only have experience writing humanities essays, but the skills you will learn are certainly transferable to the social sciences and more technical essays.

So I hope to see you this Thursday, at 7.10pm, in the Union!


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