9 March 2009

Weekly Update

This Week: Plan Gaza Awareness Week + 7.30pm: Amnesty Letter Writing (optional)

Last Week:

We split into small groups to look at the 3 new campaigns and come up with definite goals, an action plan and a timetable for the following months. Here are the decisions:

  • Gaza Awareness Week (GAW): 16th - 22nd March
- Ideas: Quizz at JC's; Talk with lecturer from Politics dept; Film screen; RAG fundraising
- Next step: finalise action plan for the GAW, contact lecturers and other staff (Monday 9th March )
  • Terrorism & Security: 23th March - 4th May

- Ideas: Use Freefest to have an action with great visual impact. Focus on loss of privacy in the UK: CCTVs, emails/text/call records, ID cards, etc.

- Next step: meeting to discuss action plan (23th March) and have a making-stuff session on first week after Easter (27th April)

  • Control Arms: 11th May - 1st June

- Ideas: Focus on Campus, rather than international arms trade issues. Try to change students attitudes and perception of arms companies such as BAE Systems. Target Engineering/Science Dept. Approach: shock therapy (images, stats and 'dead bodies') + promote alternatives (Ethical Careers Fair)

I'm really sorry this isn't in video format but time restraints made it impossible to edit the video in time. We apologise and will make an effort so that it doesn't happen again.

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